
so if i am buying an NFT, what i bought? URL of IPFS or that image? or that nft metadata address? or image? because contract only contains metadata url not image, not image address (which is actuallly in metadata). Even not metadata nut metadata address. as contract owner if owner will change base url of token, what i had bought? AN image, an url text, that images' ipfs address (like medium owner has ownership of medium.com) ? In normal physical art, if i bought in auction, i am the owner... but NFT is different.. now think 1155 NFT, one token has 5 amount, each token has different owner for same NFT URL.. its like share ownership........



Nitish Srivastava
Nitish Srivastava

Written by Nitish Srivastava

Full stack developer, with experience in Java, Spring, Python, Angular, Android, Ionic, Flutter, Blockchain NFT and Cryptocurrency

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